Have you been the recipient of an email from your first cousin’s babysitter’s sister who probably never talked to you in high school that starts out with “Hey, girl,” or maybe you have been approached by an overly aggressive person that claims the supplements they …
Combat stress, some new thoughts on old tips
I am writing this post during one of the most challenging and scary times of my life. I think many can say the same. We all have things on a daily basis that can cause stress. When you add on things like a nation in …
Healthy can be hard
Roughly 6 years ago, I lost about 35 lbs and kept it off for about about two years. I was in the best shape of my life. I was fit and running half marathons. Then life sort of just got in the way. I am …
Help for stressed skin
Are you stressed? Does your skin tell you that you are stressed? Well, if you are like the majority of the world, you probably said yes. The vast majority of us experience some form of stress. It may come from work, school, kids, marriage, or …
Bluebird blessings
Roughly three years ago my mom had a stroke. I am the youngest of three, but found myself taking care of my young family and my disabled mom. It was just crazy. I look back and think to myself, “How did I manage that?” My …